Every subject has certain fundamental concepts and theories that have to be mastered before a student proceeds to learn advanced concepts. Force is one of the primary things in physics, we can experience it all around us and understanding what it is all about is important to excel in physics. For instance, take the case of how an object accelerates to the ground during free fall or how an object rolls down an inclined plane. These are day to day occurrences that we see around us and physics is the subject that has an explanation for all of this. Let us analyze the theory behind the fundamental forces in physics; read on to learn more.
Fundamental Forces – an overview
There are many different kinds of forces that act on an object while in motion or even when it is resting. However, there are only a few of the fundamental forces and these are also the topics wherein students seek physics homework help online. The fundamental forces are:
- The Gravitational Force
- The Electromagnetic Force
- The Nuclear Force – Strong and Weak
Gravitational Force
The force of gravity is something that most of us are familiar with and is explained with Newton’s law. It is simply the force that exists or acts between any objects that posses mass. The center of gravity, Newton’s law of universal gravitation and the theory of relativity are the most studied topics under this head. Most teachers explain this concept by dropping an object to the floor and explaining why the object spirals downwards and how gravitational pull works on the object.
Whenever particles interact with other particles and both are electrically charged, this phenomenon is referred to as electromagnetism. The electromagnetic force is perhaps the most prevalent and obvious force and citing examples around us is pretty easy and serves to improve learning dramatically. Usually the best online physics tutors employ various experiments and practical demonstrations to teach this important topic to students. Many consider electric and magnetic forces to be distinctly different and only when students lean this concept do they understand as to how they are interlinked.
Nuclear Force
The forces that act inside an atom are equally important and they are one of the fundamental forces there are. There are two kinds of nuclear forces: the strong and the weak nuclear force. The strong force is responsible for the binding of the protons and neutrons within the nucleus while the weak force is responsible for things such as beta decay and so on. These are studies extensively in atomic and nuclear physics. This is perhaps one of the toughest concepts for students when it comes to fundamental forces and thus most of them seek physics assignment help and homework help online for this topic.
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— Tutor Pace (@TutorPace) October 26, 2015
The fundamental forces in physics are responsible for most of the phenomena we see around us day to day. The four fundamental types of interactions described above are responsible for most of the interactions observed and they can be completed described by these fundamental forces. Learning this concept well is important if a student aspires to get into a physics based major or aspires to be a scientist.