Learn Everything About Acceleration Due To Gravity With An Online Physics Tutor

Physics has its share of tough topics and acceleration due to gravity is one of them; it isn’t particularly hard and neither is it easy to understand it in the first go. Simply put, acceleration due to gravity is the rate at which the velocity of an object changes that experiences a free fall and is moving downwards towards the earth. Discounting the air resistance, it is found that every object that in a free fall experiences the same acceleration and this is attributed to gravity. The earth’s gravitational pull is responsible for the object’s acceleration and is measured at 9.8 m/s2.


Most students seek physics assignment help in this area as they find it difficult to grasp the underlying concepts and work on the assignments. Now that we have acceleration defined, let us understand the laws involved and take up some examples to understand this fundamental concept that finds universal application.


According to Newton’s Second Law (of Motion), whenever there is a net force acting on an object or a body, it is equivalent to the product of the mass and acceleration or simply put, F= m*a (Mass * Acceleration). The mass employed here is the resistance the object offers to the force exerted and it can also be defined as the net quantity of matter that an object contains. There is a lot of difference between mass and weight though; let’s take a look.

Mass vs. Weight

Weight is directly dependent on the gravitational force while mass directly relates to the quantity of matter in a body or an object. Depending on the gravitational pull, the weight of an object will vary! For instance, the moon where there is a lower gravitational pull as compared to the Earth will show a different weight for the same object than earth and so on.

Acceleration due to gravity is represented as ‘g’ instead of the usual ‘a’ that represents acceleration and the equation that connects weight, mass and gravity is W = mg. W is the net force (we replace the F for force with W here) and m is the mass. There is yet another Newton’s Law regarding Gravitation and that is one area where students flounder when it comes to homework and require physics homework help.

The Law of Universal Gravitation is quite simple once students understand the hang of it – every object or body has a gravitational pull or force on every other object. For example, when there are two objects with masses m1 and m2, they exert a gravitational pull on one other and the net force F is proportional to the product of their masses and is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them which gives us F (F1=F2) =G (m1*m2/d2) and G here is the Gravitational Constant.

phyiscs2Sometimes, students may need more than just classroom help and in such cases engaging the services of an online physics tutor would be a good option. Not only would they get individual attention, they will also have an expert at their service at all times to clarify their doubts and this will certainly help them ace their physics exams.

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