5 Majors For Math Lovers Who Do Not Want To Major In Math

Many students like Math but when they come to college level, they may not feel like choosing Math. It could be their quest to expand their Math knowledge through related subjects. There are majors which do not bear the name of Math but expect you to use your Math knowledge to a good extent since they are based on mathematical concepts to a great degree.


Following are 5 majors which are not Math but which can attract any enthusiastic Math learner

Architecture: Behind any structure, there is the hand of an architect. An architect needs Math proficiency in various aspects of architecture as in knowledge of materials, understanding of polices and codes and building structures.

Further, architects need Math knowledge to create blueprints and scale them accordingly into realistic structures, analyze structural problems and understand the various shapes of design elements. One can find the elements of Algebra, Calculus, Statistics, Trigonometry and Linear Programming in Architecture learning.

Computer Science: Computer Science showcases many career opportunities for students with its vast areas of learning. Students can be software professionals, web developers, data base administrators, inventors, researchers and theorists if they study Computer Science major.

Computer Science students use Math to write codes, design software, compute data or combine all the three. Computer Science students study Trigonometry, Calculus, Graph theory, Combinatorics, Ordinary Differential Equations, Theory of Analysis, Algebra and Numerical methods.

Biology: It is a common fact that most of the students who like Math also like Science. For such students, Biology is a good option. These students can enter the field of academic research, public health, environmental science and veterinary or human medicine.

Biologists use Math for analyzing study results with statistics and for correct dosing of medicine. Students find the aspects of Algebra, Calculus, Statistics, Geometry and Trigonometry in their Biology learning.

Engineering: Engineering has the use of Math and Science for solving problems. So, we find engineers in many fields like biomedical, electrical, environmental, computer and mechanical engineering. Engineers can work in private or government sectors and they can enter the field of research as well. They rely on fundamental Math and Science principles to do their job. Engineering majors need to take courses in Algebra, Differential Equations, Geometry, Calculus, Statistics and Trigonometry.

Economics: Those who are good at Math can be good at Finance. For such students, Economics major is a good choice. Students with Economics major can work in money related professions like auditor, actuary, accountant and budget analyst. They can also work in areas like research, education or natural resource management.

In the Economics field, you use Math to illustrate and predict business cycles, collect and analyze data and provide financial advice to organizations and business concerns. In Economics major, students concentrate on Algebra, Game theory, Calculus, Mathematical Economics, Trigonometry and Statistics.


Thus, one has scope for continuing his relationship with Math without pursuing a Math major. All the five majors above mentioned make an interesting study about how they are related to Math and how students need to look into Math details while pursuing these courses. For knowing more details about Math related aspects of learning at advanced level, one can contact online Math tutors who give the best of information in the field.

Tips To Remember How Math Logarithmic Notation Works

Logarithms are really fun and interesting, but I have seen many students find changing logarithmic notation to exponential notation and vice versa quite confusing. Well here are some useful tips to make you remember that this conversion is simpler than you have expected.

The exponential form is where we have the base number multiplied according the exponent to get the answer. Here is an example from online math tutor:

When you multiply 2 four times you get 16. That is 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 16.

This can be written in the exponential form as 24 = 16. Let’s look deeper into this notation:


Let’s now try to follow how we can convert the exponential notation to the logarithmic notation:


As show above, both the exponential notation and the logarithmic notation have the same base number. Next, there is an exchange in the exponent and answer while writing it in the logarithmic notation.

This can be better understood with an example:

Convert 34 = 81 from an exponential notation to logarithmic notation.

Here 3 is the base number which will remain the same even in the logarithmic form.

We have 4 as the exponent and 81is the answer which can be written as:


Did you get a little hold of this method? Good let me show you one more example:

Convert 52 = 25 from exponential form to logarithmic form.

Everyone likes the 5 times table, for some reason it’s quite easy to memorize.

Here observe 5 is the base number and 2 happens to be the exponent. Multiplying 5 x 5 gives 25 as the answer. Now converting the exponential form to logarithmic form:


Taking a step further, let us now convert the logarithmic notation into exponential notation applying the same process backwards.

Convert log4 64 = 3 from logarithmic notation to exponential notation.

Here the given logarithmic notation can be changed to exponential notation by keeping the base number 4 the same. Follow the steps below:


Hence the exponential notation for the given question is 43 = 64.

Good so far! Now, have you ever observed some logarithms written without a base?

For example, notations like log 5, log 16 or log 150. Are they really without any base number? The answer is NO! They have a base number which is 10 it’s called the common base.

Hence, logarithms with base number 10 are called common logarithms. This can be shown as below:


Convert the given exponential form 103 = 1000 to logarithmic form?

Here we have the base number for the exponential form as 10, so the final answer will be a common logarithm. Hence we can write the given question into a logarithmic notation as follows:


So the final answer is log (1000) = 3. [Not to forget it still has a base 10.]

Now you are familiar with the logarithmic notation and ready to change exponential notation into logarithmic notation. But remember logarithms does not stop here, these are just few useful tips to get you started with the logarithmic notation.

Read more – Solving Logarithmic Equations

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Why Calculus Is Tough And How To Study Calculus With Ease

Learning Math is a tough aspect of education-true and learning Calculus is tougher one can say. It is the advanced level of learning in Calculus and the pre requisite skills it demands that make the subject a tough going. Still, completing Calculus with success launches you in many successful venues of Science and Engineering.


Why is Calculus tough?

  • Calculus expects you to perfect your skills in Algebra and Trigonometry and get ready for its tougher sessions
  •  It involves numerous problems and gives a drill to your mind while solving problems
  • It does  not allow you to be sluggish and evasive, nor could you procrastinate or put off work
  • It demands your regular attendance in classes and proper lecture listening skills
  • It whirls your mind during homework hours and you would be nowhere if you pile up your homework

How to tackle Calculus then?

  • Give up worrying over the subject and start learning
  • Brush up your Algebra and Trig skills
  • Contact your teachers during office hours and clarify your doubts
  • Learn the course content for the day well ahead of the class and be ready to follow the class
  • Ask questions at once and do not hesitate to clarify your doubts
  • Make your homework every day’s work and do not postpone
  • Have peer studies and interact about the subject
  • Do many problems and as many as possible
  • Apply your mind while solving problems, follow break up methods and even if you get stuck, do not give up
  • Take learning Calculus with a positive note and realize its value for your future
  • Finally meet an online Calculus tutor and clarify your doubts in the subject for going ahead with the subject

Calculus homework help from online tutorials save your time and renders the expected help within a short frame of time. You increase the depth of knowledge you hold in Calculus and start enjoying Calculus classes in your association with online calculus tutors.

Tutor Pace is an online tutorial that stands out for its tutors who are well versed in the subject and know smart strategies to make the subject easy for you.