Getting low physics grades? We can provide you physics help. Now, improve your grades by avoiding some of the biggest mistakes that you make in physics.
1. Incorrect conversion of units: Majority of physics questions deal with units’ conversion. Students have to convert units from one notation to another. For example, to express speed in standard units, they have to convert it from km/h to m/s. They can easily do it by multiplying the given value by 5/18.
Despite being an easy thing, most students get it wrong. Why? Call it simple carelessness. Students inactively use 18/5 and end up getting wrong answers.
What to do then? The key is to be a little alert. Perform units’ conversion by being active. Remember that 1 km/h = 5/18 m/s and 1 m = 100 cm.
2. Weak practice on standard values: This is especially certified when students appear in their physics exams. It’s not late until they realize that they do not remember the standard values for speed of light. Physics does consume some efforts from students’ side. So, it is better to learn all standard values by heart. For example, value of gravity, electron charge, Boltzmann constant etc.
3. Figures drawn in ink: Call it simple laziness; students don’t like to take pains for using their pencil to draw figures. They simply start drawing lines with pen. Though a small mistake, it leaves a not-so-good impression in answer sheets. Often, students mess up their answer sheets with untidy pen marks that they can’t undo. The best solution? Use pencil to draw neat figures. It gives you liberty to erase stains (if any) on the answer sheets.
4. Calculations hidden in rough work: This can purely take away the credit of a student’s hard work. Students often perform calculations in rough work and not in their main answer sheets during their tests. Due to this, a teacher can’t see those calculations and thus, there are always chances of some deductions in scores. What can be done? Show calculations in main answer sheets neatly by making separate columns. A title can be given like “calculations for question” to those columns.
5. Weak grip of angle values: Just like math, physics also include sine and cosine of different angles. Students need to use these values in a lot of physics questions. So, the key is to learn sin and cosine of standard angles like, 45, 30, 60, and 90.
Tutor Pace’s physics help has been specifically designed to help you overcome physics challenges. Keep coming back for fruitful tips and improve your grades.
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