Are Today’s Kids Burdened With Too Much Of Homework?

The topic definitely opens up to a lot of discussion and scrutiny today and one can find a lot of comments in this regard on various popular platforms. There is a raging debate ongoing as to whether students are given way too much homework and how it affects their mental makeup and performance at school. There are even books being written about this very topic by parents and teachers alike and given that they are becoming best sellers in no time, one can safely assume the amount of interest this topic has generated in recent times amongst the public. To identify if one’s child is actually being burdened with a lot of homework, one should look for certain signs. Read on to learn all about them.

college algebra students

Is your child being given way too much homework?

The very first sign that your child is being burdened with a lot of work is if he/she starts hating the very idea of school. The recommended level of homework is 10 minutes per grade every night and anything in excess simply means that your child will struggle to cope with it! Given the vociferous arguments one can read about it and given that at least more than 90% of the people feel that children are being taxed with undue amounts of work to be done at home, it does look like the scenario is pretty bad. Read on to learn as to how you can help your child in such a case.

What can you do about it?

Too much of homework adversely affects your kids as they stop being children and start to feel stressed every day. When you feel that the amount of homework given is unreasonable, bring it to the notice of your child’s teacher and ask him/her to reduce the same. Take it up further in meetings at school and bring it to the notice of the principal in case nothing works out. This can be very effective when you have the support of other parents.

Is your child unable to cope with homework due to other factors?

If even after your best efforts, your child is struggling to cope with homework (due to lack of understanding or concentration), it is time for you to get them professional assistance from experts such as online geometry tutors and tutors in other subjects. Check whether your child is taking way too much time with homework just because he/she isn’t able to understand the subject they are studying.

In such a case seeking out experts to help them understand the subject and learn its nuances is a good idea (this is of course when you can’t teach your kids by yourself either due to want of time or due to lack of enough knowledge in the subject). And when it comes to particularly difficult subjects such as geometry or trigonometry, you can help your child out by roping in the best geometry homework help online so as to ease your child’s burden and help him/her learn in a fun filled manner.


It is indeed true that today children have to cope with higher educational standards, peer pressure, pressure to make it big in the world and of course way too much homework. Parents should put their foot down and bring it to the notice of the teacher in such cases and reduce the amount of homework being thrust on the child. If the child is however struggling with a subject like say geometry and hates doing homework in it simply because he/she finds it difficult, parents should assess the situation and get geometry tutors for geometry assignment help and homework help so as to help them tackle the subject better.

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