Many student try to study for a math in the same way as they would study for geography exam. But in a real world they are not the same subject. You need a structural way to memorize formulas and equations and the best way to learn them by using and practice math. Here are few tips that will help you plan on how to study for a math test the night before and help you with getting a higher grade.
Remember your goal
First of all you need to decide why are you studying? Do you want just a passing grade, maybe a B or even to ace the exam? Answer this question and stick to your decision. Many students think they want to pass the exam with a C but the more they study, the more they realize that they would prefer an A. Getting an A is great, but still it requires much more effort than a B.
How To Study For A #Math Test Without Losing Your Mind
— Tutor Pace (@TutorPace) September 16, 2015
Do not try to learn anything new
If you attended classes as you should have, you probably know a few things already, you just don’t realize that yet. Have a quick look through all your notes and study materials and decide what things you already know. Once that is sorted, you can concentrate on knowing them better. Learning new things the night before the exam can be tricky, as sometimes the stress and panic can make your brain forget the things it already knows to make space for what you are learning. Even if you know just 60% of that class, as long as you know it very well, you are guaranteed to pass.
Stay away from distractions
Many students tend to waste time while studying. It can be either because of their friends, taking small breaks, not finding a pen or getting hungry. Make sure that before you start studying, all these distractions are out of your way. Eat well and healthy, make sure you have all your study materials and resources and take care of any other physical needs you may have. If you do this, you are less likely to lose focus during your study time. And if you like listening to study music, make sure that it is free of lyrics, as listening to 50cent is definitely not a wise choice.
How To Prepare For Your #Math Final #Exam Without Losing Your Sleep
— Tutor Pace (@TutorPace) September 16, 2015
Use note-cards to remember formulas and techniques
Note cards are a student’s best friend when it comes to exams. These are the most simplified form of your actual course notes. Try to keep them as clear and short as possible, without any examples or complicated sentences. Once you have these note cards done, use them wisely, as they will help you see what you know and don’t know.
Get some sleep
A lot of students think that studying the night before the exam, it actually means all night. They couldn’t be more wrong. The brain can only concentrate for so many hours, so if you study for an entire night, you will be tired during the exam. Drink lots of water and keep few snacks items with you before you study. This will stimulate your brain and will help you memorize and work on math problems.
Top 5 Reasons Why An Online #Math Tutor Is Your Key To Scoring Straight A
— Tutor Pace (@TutorPace) September 15, 2015
On the day of the exam
Plan to show up at least 30 minutes earlier than the exam time. Keep calm and do not panic if someone tells you something you don’t know. Most likely, they did the same as you, learned very well what they already knew. Also, try to review once more your note cards. Start the exam with the questions you already know and leave the rest at the end. Always keep calm and stay positive and confident of your final preparation for math and focus on one goal that you can do it. Good Luck!