How to Study For a Math Test the Night before the Exam?

How to Study For a Math Test the Night before the Exam?Many student try to study for a math in the same way as they would study for geography exam. But in a real world they are not the same subject. You need a structural way to memorize formulas and equations and the best way to learn them by using and practice math. Here are few tips that will help you plan on how to study for a math test the night before and help you with getting a higher grade.

Remember your goal

First of all you need to decide why are you studying? Do you want just a passing grade, maybe a B or even to ace the exam? Answer this question and stick to your decision. Many students think they want to pass the exam with a C but the more they study, the more they realize that they would prefer an A. Getting an A is great, but still it requires much more effort than a B.

Do not try to learn anything new

If you attended classes as you should have, you probably know a few things already, you just don’t realize that yet. Have a quick look through all your notes and study materials and decide what things you already know. Once that is sorted, you can concentrate on knowing them better. Learning new things the night before the exam can be tricky, as sometimes the stress and panic can make your brain forget the things it already knows to make space for what you are learning. Even if you know just 60% of that class, as long as you know it very well, you are guaranteed to pass.

Stay away from distractions

Many students tend to waste time while studying. It can be either because of their friends, taking small breaks, not finding a pen or getting hungry. Make sure that before you start studying, all these distractions are out of your way. Eat well and healthy, make sure you have all your study materials and resources and take care of any other physical needs you may have. If you do this, you are less likely to lose focus during your study time. And if you like listening to study music, make sure that it is free of lyrics, as listening to 50cent is definitely not a wise choice.

Use note-cards to remember formulas and techniques

Note cards are a student’s best friend when it comes to exams. These are the most simplified form of your actual course notes. Try to keep them as clear and short as possible, without any examples or complicated sentences. Once you have these note cards done, use them wisely, as they will help you see what you know and don’t know.

Get some sleep

A lot of students think that studying the night before the exam, it actually means all night. They couldn’t be more wrong. The brain can only concentrate for so many hours, so if you study for an entire night, you will be tired during the exam. Drink lots of water and keep few snacks items with you before you study. This will stimulate your brain and will help you memorize and work on math problems.

On the day of the exam

Plan to show up at least 30 minutes earlier than the exam time. Keep calm and do not panic if someone tells you something you don’t know. Most likely, they did the same as you, learned very well what they already knew. Also, try to review once more your note cards. Start the exam with the questions you already know and leave the rest at the end. Always keep calm and stay positive and confident of your final preparation for math and focus on one goal that you can do it. Good Luck!

Become An Amazing Math Tutor: The Secret To Metal Math

Math is a very interesting and innovative subject, we start learning it from a very young age and use it all our lives. The secret to metal math can be understood when you want to solve questions much faster and efficiently. This can be applied for both the students and tutors. Often we wonder why the same question is solved by different people in different ways. This is the beauty of math, there are many ways and approaches to get to the same answer. One method can take more time and many steps whereas another method can take less time and fewer steps to reach the final answer. The thing to realize here is all the different approaches are right and you can follow which ever method best suits your ability to understand the given question.

Let us now take a look at some mental math tricks which will help you while solving different math homework help questions.

While changing the percentages to fractions, divide by 100 and for changing a given fraction to percentage multiply by 100. Here are some examples:

Betty went to trekking with her friends. She drank 75% of the protein shake she brought with her after trekking for 3 hours. What fraction of the protein shake does she have left?

For the above question we are given that 75% of the protein shake is finished. This implies the remaining amount is equal to 100% – 75% = 25%.

Therefore, the amount of protein shake Betty has = 25%. For converting the given percentage into a fraction divide by 100. math help 1 Hence Betty still has 1/4 of the protein shake remaining during her trekking.

Did you find the example quite interesting? Now let us look at another example for changing fractions to percentages.

Samuel finished 1/5 of his homework. What percentage of his homework is still to be completed?

Here you are given that 1/5 of the homework is completed. This implies the amount of homework to be completed is 1 – 1/5 = 4/5.

Now for converting the fraction into a percentage multiply by 100. Follow the diagram given below and try to visualize the calculations mentally:

math help 2

This method mentioned above is very useful because percentage are used almost in every branch of mathematics. Let us look at some quick applications of what we have just learned:

Percentage to fraction:

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The above examples are for percent to fractions which can be quickly solved in your mind. Practice similar questions to realize how you will become much faster and efficient in your calculations.

Fractions to percent: Below examples are for quick conversion from fractions to percentages. math help 4 After the percentages, let us take a look at how the fractions can be changed to decimals. Do you feel you already know them? Well remember, we are trying to learn the metal math. Here is how you can convert them in your mind. Take a look at the following questions:

Fractions to decimals: Change the fraction 2/5 into a decimal number. Here the given fraction is 2/5. The mental math trick is, for changing any given fraction to decimal number try to have 10 or multiples of 10 in the denominator. Multiply the numerator and denominator if the fraction 2/5 by 2. Follow the diagram below: math help 5 Did you follow the method? This trick has limitation though it can only be applied to the numbers which get 10 or multiples of 10 in the denominator via multiplication. Let us look at more examples to perfect this method.

Convert 7/25 into a decimal number.

Look at the denominator here its 25, which can be changed to 100 on multiplication by 4. Hence multiplying and diving the given fraction by 4. Follow the diagram below, this needs to be visualized mentally.

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Therefore the fraction 7/25 can be written as 0.28 in the decimal form.

Let me share another branch of math, Algebra where mental math tricks can be applied.

Adding the exponents: Combine the expression 3x4 (x5) Here for the given expression we have multiplication between the same variable x which needs to be combined. Since the base variable is the same for the given exponents add the powers. Here is the rule: math help 7 Subtracting the exponents: Combine the expression 2x11/ x9. Here for the given expression we have division between the same variable x which needs to be combined. Since the base variable is the same for the given expressions subtract the exponents of x. Here is the rule: math help 8 Multiplying the exponents: Combine the expression (x3)5? Here for the given expression we can combine exponents of the variable x by multiplying since they are raised to the same base. Follow the diagram below: math help 9

Therefore, today we looked through different methods and examples for solving math mentally. Use these methods to solve different questions whenever and wherever applicable. For more info you can chat with live math tutor online and get your math assignment help from amazing math tutors.

Geometry for Special Education Students With Emerging Math Skills

Geometry for Pre Kindergarten and Primary Grade kids concentrates on some essential subject skills like recognizing, naming plane figures and naming their properties. Plane shapes are two dimensional shapes that are on a flat plane. They include curved shapes like ovals and circles and many sided shapes like polygons.

Children with disabilities find learning and applying vocabulary hard. They should be trained to use their acquired skills without hassle.

geometry shapes

Sorting shapes

Sorting shapes is the beginning place. Instead of using geometric shapes to sort colors, you can name a sort. This will help children with limited knowledge understand shapes with ease. You can say: “We are having the shapes that have the same number of sides” or “Now, we sort curved shapes and shapes with straight sides” This would help them sort shapes better.

Naming shapes

When you name shapes, you should make it clear that all squares are rectangles but all rectangles are not squares. You should make children understand that squares are rectangles with equal sides. A square is a sub category but it is frequently seen as a polygon in life and worksheets. So, students should be able to name it.

In kindergarten and primary grades like 1 and 2, students should be able to name squares, rectangles and circles.

Defining plane figures

Students have to name three specific characteristics of each space

  • Rectangle: A Rectangle has four sides .It has four sides with opposite sides which are equal in length and parallel. A rectangle has four angles in their corners (vertices).
  • Square: A square is a rectangle with four equal sides. It means that the opposite sides in a square are parallel, opposite sides are equal and all vertices are right angles.
  • Triangle; A triangle has three straight sides and three vertices. Its all sides meet to form a closed figure.
  • Circle: A circle is a closed shape with a curved line. All points in the one line are of the same distance from the center point.
  • Oval: An oval is a closed shape created by one curved side. One of the axes of the oval is longer than the other.

Thus teaching geometric shapes is an art. You need to do it with great care and reach out to young kids with proper techniques. If you chat with live Geometry tutor, you can know more strategies about the topics in Geometry and ways to get them across to kids for their better understanding.

9 Secrets To Know About Speed And Mental Math Tricks And Techniques

Math is definitely challenging but what makes learning math fun and interesting is that, there are some tricks and techniques which can actually make the calculations easy to solve. Today, we will try to learn some math tricks which can be applied in solving different kinds of questions.

Speed And Mental Math Tricks

Multiplying a given number by 2

We all know the 2 times table. But what if 2 is being multiplied to a bigger number, there is a trick to make the multiplication quick and accurate. Think about it, multiplying by 2 it is nothing but doubling the given quantity. So to speed the calculations the given number can be added twice instead of multiplying by 2. For example 6 x 2 = 12.

This can also be got by 6 + 6 = 12. Now, if there is 32 x 2 = 64. This can also be got by 32 + 32 = 64.

Now applying this trick to bigger numbers multiplied by 2.

Find the value of 98340 x 2?

One method is the usual way of multiplying the given number by 2. But let us solve the same question with the trick of addition:

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Hence 98340 x 2 = 1,96,680

Multiplying numbers which are multiples of 10

Did you know 10 is a very interesting number when it comes to multiplication? For example, in a question you come across a calculation such as 23 x 10 all you need to do is place a one zero next to 23. That is 23 x 10 = 230.

Can this be applied to bigger numbers as well? Yes it can! Let us look at some more examples:

While multiplying, 45 and 50 one method would be the regular multiplication. By applying the trick here all that needs to be done is 45 x 50, first find the value of 45 x 5 = 225. Since there is 50 which is a multiple of 10 place a zero next to 225.

So we get 45 x 50 = 2250. Another example would be, 25 x 30. Here first do 25 x 3 = 75. Now since there is 30 place a zero next to 75. This gives 25 x 30 = 750

Question: Sam brought 19 boxes of candies. Each box contains 200 candy bars, find the total number of candy bars in all the boxes.

Number of boxes of candies Sam brought is 19. Each box contains 200 candy bars.

Hence the total number of candy bars equal = 19 x 200.

Try to follow the diagram below for the calculation:

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Multiplying a given number by 11

No matter what number is given to you multiplication with 11 can become quite simple, follow the trick here. Look at eleven, there are two 1’s. Now for example you have 14 x 11. First do 14 x 1 = 14 then to this add 140 which is 14 + 140 = 154?

So we get 14 x 11 = 154

Need a better idea? Follow the example below:

Find the value of 456 x 11?

Here first calculate 456 x 1 = 456 now add 4560 to it so you get 4560 + 456 = 5016

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Adding three or more digit numbers

In some questions, you may have had situations where more than 2 numbers need to be added, it can get more tedious if they are big numbers. Let me share a little secret that can make adding such numbers much easier. For example there is a word problem: Riya spent $ 112 on shoes, $ 216 on bag and $315 on books. Find the total amount of money Riya spent on all the items. Solution: For the given question, the total amount of money spent equals the sum of all the given individual prices = $ 112 + $ 216 + $ 315. Follow the trick here, rather than adding the individual number. Add the hundreds place first. Follow the solution: math 4

Squaring number ending in 5

This rule is applicable from 5 to 95 only (i.e., 5, 15, 25, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75, 65, 75, 85, 95.) and here is how it works! We have 5 x 5 = 25.

The trick is, for a number ending in 5 when squared always has to end in 25. So for a given number example 152 pick the tens place, which is 1. Now the number after 1 is 2. Multiply 1 x 2 = 2. Now place a 25 next to 2. We get 225.

Now for 25 x 25. Here, 2 is in the tens place. What is the number next to 2, 3. So do 2 x 3 = 6. Now place a 25 next to 6. We get, 25 x 25 = 625.

Let us follow the diagram for clarity, take 65 x 65.

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Hence 65 x 65 = 4225

Divisibility rule for number 2

Here is a quick mental math trick to find weather a given number is divisible by 2 or not just by looking at it. If a number is ending with an even number then it is divisible by 2.

What are all the even numbers between 0 and 9 (0, 2, 4, 6, and 8).

Look at an example: 48 here 8 is an even number so it is divisible by 2. Now 51 is not divisible by 2 as 1 is an odd number. Apply the same for big numbers.

Find out if 4576 is divisible by 2? Prove it!

Here 4576 is ending with number 6. Since 6 is an even number the given number is divisible by 2. Follow the diagram for a quick check:

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Divisibility rule for number 4

Now that you are familiar with the divisibility rule for 2. Let us quickly check the divisibility rule for number 4. When it comes to 4 always check whether the last 2 numbers are divisible by 4. Consider 324 here it’s clearly know that 24 is divisible by 4 so 324 will be divisible by 4. Now let me give you another example:

Find out whether 5608 is divisible by 4? Check your answer.

Here again use the trick and figure it your mind. 08 are the last two numbers of the given number. Since 08 is divisible by 4, 5608 is divisible by 4. Let’s check if we got it right look at the diagram below:

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Divisibility rule for number 5

Did your math calculations get faster on the divisibility part? Now let us follow the trick for checking divisibility with number 5. For number 5, the given number should end either with 0 or 5. Take an example of 560 it is divisible by 5 since its ending in 0. Whereas 432 is not divisible by 5 since its ending with 2 not 0 or 5. Look at the following question.

Find out if 890 is divisible by 5? Check your answer.

Here the given number 890 is ending in 0, so it is divisible by 5. Let us check the answer, follow the diagram below:

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Combining the like terms

Many students find adding and subtracting like terms very confusing. Let us look at a simple way of solving this kind of a question. Did you know there is a trick with which you can solve the combining like terms in your mind? Here is what can be done:

Consider a question for finding 5x + 6x.

A like term is a term which have the same variable. Here it is x. Now for adding 5x and 6x since x is the same, just find 5 + 6 = 11. Hence 5x + 6x = 11x.

Did you follow the solution? Follow the next example:

Find the value of 3x + 7x + 10x?

All that needs to be done is add the numbers and place the common variable x next to the sum. Take a look at the diagram below:

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Hence the solution is 20x.

Therefore, practice these tricks and apply them in your math calculations. You will be amazed how they will aid in speeding your calculations. If you still need help, chat with a Live Math Tutor Online Now!

Some Interesting Back To School Expectations Versus Reality

Expectations are always different from reality. Back to school is a time for jubilance and cheers with everything new for a student. You feel great to look in your new outfit for the first day with a trendy backpack and your favorite lunch bag. It is a basket of expectations you carry along with you when you enter the portals of your school or college. Reality is something else which disappoints you in various things. What are your expectations in back to school and what is reality?

Expectation 1

Trying to look trendy every day with smart outfits

You think your wardrobe is the best and you have bought everything marvelous on earth. You imagine that you would look gorgeous with your signature costumes and other accessories. Expectations Versus Reality


You are in for a disappointment on the very first day with angelic girls looking pretty in their smart wears and handsome guys moving around in their best outfits to attract the eyes of everyone around. Oops, you are not the only one who looks smart, sweet, new and fresh in a trendy dress. What to do for every day trendy look?

Expectation 2

Finding your old classmates and friends in the new school or college

You have been to a new place and your friends should be hanging out somewhere in the corridors or can teen. You could greet them, chat with them, share a bit of your summer experiences. You would not feel out of home and find at least some familiar persons. high-school-musical-vs-actual-main


Not a single one of your familiar acquaintance you could find. Not even Jennie who was your bitter enemy last year. Well, you are to move ahead with new friends. Would you get one as close as Jamaica of last year? Wait and see.

Expectation 3

Dismissal of the first day class in a very short time

You are asked to introduce yourself in the class. Others do. Then the teacher or professor dismisses the class and lets you go. You enjoy the rest of the time with friends or come back home fast and enjoy that sleep which you have missed a little after your transitional bed times. Or enjoy a movie or rock at a hotel.



Yes, you introduce yourself. Does that end with that? Professor goes on and on and you sit for a long time in the class. Long drawn face with sleepy eyes…uh?

Expectation 4

Thinking of bagging the best homework gift

You imagine with the best homework gift basket in the end of the term and everyone smiling at you and yourself beaming with cheers. Start your homework schedules with a planner from day 1? Yes, it is … it is your dream…..but are you doing? homework reality


You get boggled by a Math sum in the very first day and get stuck with a Science topic. Where was your dream and what is is the reality? Upward grades? Nay…down and down rather…. By the by…why not consult an online tutoring center for your homework hassles? They prove good for making your dream into reality -winning fabulous gifts for your top scores in homework in the class.

Expectation 5

Staying organized with an arranged back pack

Your back pack is well organized with school supplies, mobile apps, calculators and texts. Well, you are ready every morning with everything well set without morning anxieties. Is that true?

back pack


Your backpack is disarranged. Mom is sure to shout in the evening…What about your room? Is it spick and span? Aye… everything is in a mess. After all, first week’s anxiety is there for all in back to school. Don’t give up hope… try to get back to normalcy.

Expectation 6

Great partying with old and new friends

It is all great galore of joy with partying and enjoying. Late night hang outs can even be. Your friends and peers sharing best birthday bashes….



Boring parties leading you to sleep awhile and dawdle. When are you going to get that dream party you imagine?

Yes, many more expectations can be there and you would miss most of them in reality when you are back to school. Why don’t you share some of them with us?

Do You Hate Math? 5 Ways To Instill A Love Of Math In Kids

We find many students hate Math from the bottom of their hearts and they do not know the reason for it. This leads to negative scores in Math and their lack of understanding the value of Math in life.

I hate you math

It is the greater parental duty to instill a love of Math in kids and there are ways for it. Here are they:

Be a Math myth buster: There are many myths about Math. It is a general feeling that Math doers are gifted brains with special abilities. Some feel that Math skills are inherited from parents. Some feel that boys do better Math than girls. The fact is anyone who perseveres and works hard in Math is able to achieve with it. Parents have to instill this positive feeling in their kids and make them realize that Math is within their reach, once they persevere. One more thing is that they should avoid all casual comments about Math like “I am not good at Math“ or “ I was very good at Math” or “What good Math does in your career?. All these comments impact the kid’s mind one way or the other and affects his studies.

Create positive vibes about Math learning: Do not give false pictures about Math. Don’t say Math is hard or it is easy. Make your kid understand that Math is an important aspect of his learning with real life situations. Ask him to calculate the grocery bill and help him choose a birthday gift which is really worth its money. Make him understand that Math is essential for his achievements in life.

Make Math an early learning: Expecting kids to learn Math by themselves is an error. It can turn negative also. Some kids like Math and most of them hate Math. This is due to the exposure in class or bullying peers or sheer negligence on the part of the kids. They should love Math, true, they should also take Math seriously. Expecting kids to add, subtract or multiply without mistake from their early age is not wise. Instead, small activities like counting the plants in the garden, calculating the time for your favorite TV show are those that kindle enthusiasm in kids to learn Math.

Play games: Anything learnt with fun is loved by kids and they do not realize the toughness of the matter. You can use the computer games, apps for playing Math games and make Math learning an inspiring one. Anything implanted in mind with enthusiasm has been getting imprinted in the mind forever and so is Math through games and fun activities. Children like to learn Math and start doing the subject without compulsion. Joining online Math tutoring centers will help you a lot in this aspect as the tutors help your kid with many interactive games and make a fun atmosphere in Math classes.

Teach them stress busters while will Math: Math exercise, lots of stress on kids and they wear out very soon. Ask them to take a deep breath or listen to music for some time. They can even go for a small walk or watch their favorite movie for a diversion. Taking meditation classes and even physical exercises are good in this matter. Encourage the kid to face Math with a challenging attitude and tackle Math sums with courage.


It is the right attitude to do Math that should be developed in kids through encouraging words and fun activities. You can approach online Math tutors for more tips and let your kid on the right path to successful Math.

Tips To Remember How Math Logarithmic Notation Works

Logarithms are really fun and interesting, but I have seen many students find changing logarithmic notation to exponential notation and vice versa quite confusing. Well here are some useful tips to make you remember that this conversion is simpler than you have expected.

The exponential form is where we have the base number multiplied according the exponent to get the answer. Here is an example from online math tutor:

When you multiply 2 four times you get 16. That is 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 16.

This can be written in the exponential form as 24 = 16. Let’s look deeper into this notation:


Let’s now try to follow how we can convert the exponential notation to the logarithmic notation:


As show above, both the exponential notation and the logarithmic notation have the same base number. Next, there is an exchange in the exponent and answer while writing it in the logarithmic notation.

This can be better understood with an example:

Convert 34 = 81 from an exponential notation to logarithmic notation.

Here 3 is the base number which will remain the same even in the logarithmic form.

We have 4 as the exponent and 81is the answer which can be written as:


Did you get a little hold of this method? Good let me show you one more example:

Convert 52 = 25 from exponential form to logarithmic form.

Everyone likes the 5 times table, for some reason it’s quite easy to memorize.

Here observe 5 is the base number and 2 happens to be the exponent. Multiplying 5 x 5 gives 25 as the answer. Now converting the exponential form to logarithmic form:


Taking a step further, let us now convert the logarithmic notation into exponential notation applying the same process backwards.

Convert log4 64 = 3 from logarithmic notation to exponential notation.

Here the given logarithmic notation can be changed to exponential notation by keeping the base number 4 the same. Follow the steps below:


Hence the exponential notation for the given question is 43 = 64.

Good so far! Now, have you ever observed some logarithms written without a base?

For example, notations like log 5, log 16 or log 150. Are they really without any base number? The answer is NO! They have a base number which is 10 it’s called the common base.

Hence, logarithms with base number 10 are called common logarithms. This can be shown as below:


Convert the given exponential form 103 = 1000 to logarithmic form?

Here we have the base number for the exponential form as 10, so the final answer will be a common logarithm. Hence we can write the given question into a logarithmic notation as follows:


So the final answer is log (1000) = 3. [Not to forget it still has a base 10.]

Now you are familiar with the logarithmic notation and ready to change exponential notation into logarithmic notation. But remember logarithms does not stop here, these are just few useful tips to get you started with the logarithmic notation.

Read more – Solving Logarithmic Equations

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How to Solve Algebra Word Problems in 5 Steps

For solving Algebra word problems you need to use your logic and find out answers for the problem. Here are 5 steps that help you solve Algebra problems with ease

  1. Identify the problem
  2. Identify what you know
  3. Make a plan
  4. Carry out the plan
  5. Verify whether your answer makes sense

Step 1

Identify the problem

The steps for identifying the problem are

  • Express the problem question or statement.
  • Identify the unit of the final answer.
  • Express the problem question or statement.

You find Algebra word problems in the form of a question or statement.


Question How many saplings Brown needs to plant? How many televisions Brenda needs to sell to earn $20000?

Statement Find the number of saplings Brown has to plant. Solve for the number of televisions Brenda has to sell to earn $20000.

  • Identify the final unit of the answer

After understanding the purpose of the word problem, try to find out in what unit the answer will be like miles, ounces, pesos, number of trees or number of televisions.

Example for step1

Christiana is making brownies to serve at the family picnic. If the recipe calls for 21/2 cups of cocoa to serve 4 people, how many cups will she need for 60 people who attend the picnic?

  • Identify the problem: how many cups Christiana needs if 60 people attend the picnic?
  • Identify the final unit of answer: Cups

 Step 2

Identify what you know

I need more information What information you have is not adequate and you need more information.

Example for step 2 

Sarah is carpeting a rectangular room in her house. The length of the room is(x+2) feet and the breadth of the room is (x-6) feet and the area of the room is 84 square feet. Find the length and width of the room. Identify what you know

  • Sarah is carpeting a rectangular room
  • The length of the room is x+2
  • The breadth of the room is x-6
  • The area of the room is 84 square feet.
  • The formula for the area of a rectangle is A=lw
  • I need to find x to find the length and breadth of the room.

Step 3

Make a plan

Methods of building your plan

  • Write down your plan
  • Talk about your plan
  • Make a table
  • Draw a bar graph, line or circle
  • Draw any other type of graph
  • Draw a picture

Example for step 3

The Damsels Theater expects 275 patrons every weekend per new movie. How many new movies they will show if they expect 2200 patrons this week end?

  • For every new movie, 275 patrons come to Damsels Theater
  • 1 movie     =275 patrons
  • 2movies =275*2=550 patrons
  • 3 movies=275*3=825 patrons
  • 275*number of movies=2200 or 275*m=2200(m represents the number of movies)
  • Solve for m to find the answer

Step 4

Carry out the plan

Verify whether the plan is sensible. Check whether you have not missed anything or did not approach the problem in the wrong manner.

Example for step 4

Ben and Jack run a combined distance of 28 miles. Ben runs three times as many miles as Jack. How many miles does Jack run?

The plan

  • B+J=28 where B represents the number of miles run by Ben and J represents the miles run by Jack.
  • B=3*J because Ben runs three times as many miles as Jack.
  • Replace B with 3*J in the equation B+J=28

Carry out the plan

  • 3*J+J=28
  • 4*J=28
  • Solve for J: J=7

Step 5

Verify whether your answer makes sense

In the last step you have two red flags that signal wrong answers

  • Your answer is too big or too small
  • The question remains unanswered

Example for step 5

John is driving from his house to his company. On Monday morning John drives 6 miles north on Peter’s road. Then he drives 8 miles east on Willie’s Road to reach his company. On Tuesday morning, John avoids Peter’s and Willie’s Roads. What is the difference between the number of miles John drives on Monday and Tuesday mornings?

John’s drive to his company resembles a right triangle. You can use Pythagorean Theorem.geometry10 miles is the answer

Verify whether your answer makes sense

No. The answer is the direct distance between John’s company and house. It is not the answer for the question what is the difference between the number of miles John drives on Monday and Tues day mornings?

Make a new plan

  • Find the direct distance
  • Add 6 miles and 8 miles to find the total distance traveled on Peter’s and Willie’s Roads
  • Find the difference between the numbers in steps 1 and 2
  • Distance between the company and house is 10 miles
  • Distance traveled on Peter’s and Willie’s Roads is 6+8=14miles
  • Difference between the numbers 14-10= 4 miles

The answer is correct as per arithmetic and it makes sense.

Doing Algebra word problems through step by step approach is logical easy and fun.


Will Math Be A Part Of Everything In The Universe?

Most students are afraid of math. Why do we need to learn math and score good marks in it is a common question among students. Well… Here’s is the answer! Mathematics is the study of quantity, structure, and change. Hey! Still confused?

Math is just as important when you go to buy a burger. The subject teaches you to calculate the price and take the exact balance from the seller. You might be playing a game with your friends and need to measure or count something. You may need to party with your friends within a limited budget and share food.  Math will help you to calculate the number of members and divide things accordingly; so that each enjoy equal share.

Tutor Pace is an online tutoring website providing a panel of online math tutors. They are experts and proffer 24/7 service for all your mathematical assistance. Online math homework, online math test preparation is now just a click away! There are graphical images to give you a clear understanding of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fraction and many more.

You can attain a free demo session with our website. Internet learning allows you to click and have fun!