Top 9 Tips To Study Better During Exam Time

Exams are almost always hectic and leave students drained as a result of the effort they put in before them. Having put in all this effort, it is important that students get the appropriate result! Here are a few tips that are highly recommended by experts to help students get the most out of their study time before exams; read on to learn more.

exam preparation

Choose the right apps to help you study

There are a variety of different apps available in the market today from ones that help you deal with the snoozing problem every morning to ones that help you revise. Identifying the right apps that help you study better is thus very important.

Identify your learning pattern and learn accordingly

It is common knowledge today that there are primarily three different kinds of learners –auditory, visual and tactile. Identifying as to which category you fall under can help you immensely when it comes to exam time prep. If you are an auditory learner, get apps that read out to you. If you are visual learner, get apps that help you make mind maps, graphs and charts and so on.

See if you can insert GIFs into Mind maps and notes

Many apps interestingly allow students to insert images and GIFs into their notes, maps and charts. You can even add them in your flash cards with some; do this and you are sure to see very good results! In fact, most online tutors use such techniques to help students learn better in their classes.

Organize favorites in apps for bookmarking important topics

Most apps let students use favorites or bookmarks to ear mark important topics and read them as and when they want it. After all, it does become difficult to search for the topics in the complete text and bookmarking them can be of great use during revisions too. Explore other such interesting features in the apps and make the best use of them to ease your exam time burden.

Organize your study planner effectively

Your study planner, whether it is an app or written down on a sheet of paper needs to be organized as per categories. Also, getting it synced to your calendar on your mobile or tablet can be very helpful and many apps help you do this easily.

Break down every subject into topics & rank them as per importance

This can be very helpful when you prepare timetables for revision or to manage your study time before exams. Whenever one subject or a topic in it is very heavy, break it down further and allocate percentages to help you see clearly as to what you are up against before proceeding to study.

Prepare flash cards and use them

Preparing flash cards before exams can help you manage your revision in an effective manner. Also, flash cards have been proven to be very effective when it comes to exam day revision. Use apps to do this or do it the traditional way, but make sure that you have flash cards to rely upon during revision.

Write down formula separately

Have a separate flash card set or set of notes for formula. This will be of immense help during study holidays. Look through them daily and spend dedicated time to recollect and read through them on a daily basis for better results. This is highly recommended by experts in online tutoring, who are the messiahs today for students struggling with various subjects at school. This is a time tested and proven technique.

Study with a friend

Find yourself a study buddy to beat those blues and keep yourself motivated. You can also choose to study in a group; however studying with just one or two friends will be much more helpful!

Seek expert help when you need it

Sometimes, you simply require expert help to work on your problem areas and all of the above can only be supplementary to it. Identify when you need help and seek the services of the best online tutors to work on your problem areas and score better.


Students need to have a strategy in place before they begin their preparation for exams. Getting the latest study apps, expert tutoring services and planning their study time effectively can help them perform way better in exams and score top marks.

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