5 Majors For Math Lovers Who Do Not Want To Major In Math

Many students like Math but when they come to college level, they may not feel like choosing Math. It could be their quest to expand their Math knowledge through related subjects. There are majors which do not bear the name of Math but expect you to use your Math knowledge to a good extent since they are based on mathematical concepts to a great degree.


Following are 5 majors which are not Math but which can attract any enthusiastic Math learner

Architecture: Behind any structure, there is the hand of an architect. An architect needs Math proficiency in various aspects of architecture as in knowledge of materials, understanding of polices and codes and building structures.

Further, architects need Math knowledge to create blueprints and scale them accordingly into realistic structures, analyze structural problems and understand the various shapes of design elements. One can find the elements of Algebra, Calculus, Statistics, Trigonometry and Linear Programming in Architecture learning.

Computer Science: Computer Science showcases many career opportunities for students with its vast areas of learning. Students can be software professionals, web developers, data base administrators, inventors, researchers and theorists if they study Computer Science major.

Computer Science students use Math to write codes, design software, compute data or combine all the three. Computer Science students study Trigonometry, Calculus, Graph theory, Combinatorics, Ordinary Differential Equations, Theory of Analysis, Algebra and Numerical methods.

Biology: It is a common fact that most of the students who like Math also like Science. For such students, Biology is a good option. These students can enter the field of academic research, public health, environmental science and veterinary or human medicine.

Biologists use Math for analyzing study results with statistics and for correct dosing of medicine. Students find the aspects of Algebra, Calculus, Statistics, Geometry and Trigonometry in their Biology learning.

Engineering: Engineering has the use of Math and Science for solving problems. So, we find engineers in many fields like biomedical, electrical, environmental, computer and mechanical engineering. Engineers can work in private or government sectors and they can enter the field of research as well. They rely on fundamental Math and Science principles to do their job. Engineering majors need to take courses in Algebra, Differential Equations, Geometry, Calculus, Statistics and Trigonometry.

Economics: Those who are good at Math can be good at Finance. For such students, Economics major is a good choice. Students with Economics major can work in money related professions like auditor, actuary, accountant and budget analyst. They can also work in areas like research, education or natural resource management.

In the Economics field, you use Math to illustrate and predict business cycles, collect and analyze data and provide financial advice to organizations and business concerns. In Economics major, students concentrate on Algebra, Game theory, Calculus, Mathematical Economics, Trigonometry and Statistics.


Thus, one has scope for continuing his relationship with Math without pursuing a Math major. All the five majors above mentioned make an interesting study about how they are related to Math and how students need to look into Math details while pursuing these courses. For knowing more details about Math related aspects of learning at advanced level, one can contact online Math tutors who give the best of information in the field.

7 Tips for Finding the Right Online Math Tutor

How do you know your child needs math assignment help? Some of the more obvious signs are falling math grades on your child’s report card or on individual math assignments. A change in attitude toward math can also indicate difficulties. If your child loved math last year, but suddenly dislikes it, he or she could be experiencing difficulty mastering new math concepts.

Math difficulties can arise at any stage of the learning process.

Working with a math tutor, including an online math tutor, should be explored as soon as you realize your child is having difficulties. Throughout school, math lessons build on what was taught before, and failing to master a single concept can result in multiple math difficulties later on. Once you make the decision to work with an online math tutor, how can you be confident you have found the right one for your child? Here are 7 tips for finding the online math tutor that will benefit your child most.

1. Look for a Tutor Who Specializes in Math

Even if your child is in elementary school, it’s worthwhile to look for an online math tutor who specializes in math. While there are general tutors who can offer math assignment help, a tutor specializing in math is more likely to have the depth of knowledge necessary to understand the specific concepts that hold children back and how to address them.

2. Find a Tutor Whose Schedule Works With Your Child’s

The great thing about the internet is it never closes, and you can interact with someone on the other side of the world if you want. That said, it’s important to find a tutor who will be available during the hours your child works on math. If you’re considering an online math tutor from several time zones away, ensure his or her schedule meshes with your child’s before committing.

3. Choose a Tutor Willing to Work Interactively on Concepts

Math assignment help should be interactive. A good online tutor doesn’t simply lecture or present concepts, but interacts with students: “What do you think the first step should be?” Your child’s tutor should be able to develop a working rapport with your child, striving to understand his or her questions and difficulties so as to address them most effectively.

4. Look for a Tutor Willing to Explore How Not to Solve Problems

Sometimes a child needs to be shown how or why what might seem to be a solution doesn’t actually work. A great online math tutor understands how something might intuitively look right, yet not be. There may be occasions when a tutor needs to go through the wrong procedure with your child to show where and why problems occur.

5. Select an Online Tutor Who Uses Plenty of Visual Aids

Online math tutors should have easy access to helpful visual aids.

Diagrams, pictures, animations, and other visual aids can be tremendously helpful. For example, a child having difficulty with fractions may have an easier time if concepts are demonstrated through something he is familiar with, like LEGO. Try to choose a tutor who knows where to look online to find GIFs and other visual aids that help explain mathematical concepts.

6. Pick a Tutor Who Knows How to Assign Subject Matter in Context

Some children, for example, have no trouble applying concepts like basic arithmetic operations, but have trouble knowing which one to apply in word problems. Other children may not be motivated to perform an arithmetic operation without some sort of context (like a story problem) in which it makes sense. Your online math tutor should take time to learn how your child learns.

7. Try to Find a Tutor Who Is Open to Feedback

You don’t want an online math tutor who is resistant to feedback. After all, the goal is to help your child master important concepts. Knowing what works well and what doesn’t is important for an online math tutor in order to provide the best possible service. Discuss feedback before hiring an online math tutor to ensure the one you choose is open to suggestions and discussion.

In Conclusion

Hiring an online math tutor is an option many parents didn’t have when they were learning mathematics, and it can make a world of difference in your child’s ability to master mathematical concepts and keep up with what is expected of him or her. Know what to look for in an online math tutor, and you can be confident that when your child needs math assignment help, he or she will have access to someone who understands math, understands your child, and is willing to work with your child’s learning style. Are you interested in hiring an online math tutor for your child? Tutor Pace can help, and we encourage you to get in touch with us at your convenience.

How To Apply Concepts Of Algebra To Geometry?

In this particular article we have focused on a few properties determined in Geometry utilizing Algebra mathematics. You can definitely consult some kind of math homework help to know more in depth.

Concepts Of Algebra To Geometry

Give us a chance to take the case of a straight line. What do we watch? A straight line meets the X-Axis or the Y-Axis in any one among the four quadrants. A line can be plotted hanging some place in the center, yet dragging it whichever way would make it unquestionably meet in one of the four quadrants. Which properties are held by a straight line? A straight line converge either the y or x axis with a point. If this line makes a point of 90 degrees with the X-Axis, then it is parallel to the Y pivot or it is the Y-Axis itself. On the other hand if this line makes a point of 90 degrees with the Y-Axis then it runs parallel to the X pivot or can be the X-Axis itself.

Let us assume a point on hold as (X, Y), and explore the relationship in the middle of X and Y. Let us extend the point to the X and the Y pivot separately. Let the line converge the X-Axis at (C1, 0) and the Y-Axis at point (0, C).

Assuming a right triangle between the beginning and the two convergence focuses on the X and the Y axis where the straight line meets the two pivots. Let theta be the point made by the straight line and the X-Axis. By definition tan(theta) is equivalent to stature/base of a right triangle. So tan(theta) for this situation is only C/C1.

At some other point (X, Y) on the straight line tan(theta) is equivalent to Y/C1-X.

Likening both we get Y/C1-X= C/C1 so Y = C(C1-X)/C1 = – XC/C1 + C.

Since theta is the inside point made by the straight line with the X-Axis, the outside edge is equivalent to PI-Theta. Likewise, tan(theta) = – tan(PI-theta).

So if takes after that – C/C1 = tan(exterior point).

Y = tan(exterior point) * X + C. This is only the prevalent mathematical statement Y = M*X + C.

Presently apply some rudimentary variable based math to infer the Pythagoras hypothesis.

Consider a right triangle at the beginning with directions (0, 0), (a,0) and(0,b)

The hypotenuse’s length is only sqrt (a*a + b*b).

This is only the squares’ entirety of the other two sides, which is according to the Pythagoras hypothesis.

Now move to a circle, what are the properties of a circle. Any point along the circle is at a separation of r from the focal point of the circle. Let the focal point of the circle be at the birthplace. Take a point (X, Y) situated at any place on a circle. So the separation of that indicate the middle is sqrt(X *X + Y * Y) which is equivalent to r the span’s length.

So the mathematical statement of a circle is sqrt(X*X + Y*Y) = r or X*X + Y*Y = r*r.

By mixing Geometry with Algebra is presently termed as co-ordinate geometry.

Summing up things…

Both Geometry and Algebra are different branches of Mathematics. However, both share a strong relation in the form of Co-ordinate Geometry that needs to be learned through expert online math tutoring by consulting a well versed online math tutor. Let us know if you have more to share.

9 Must Know Methods for Solving Math Problems

Math has many topics and there are various kinds of questions related to each given topic. To solve a given math problem different kinds of methods and formulas can be used. Today, we will try to learn and understand 9 most basic and useful methods utilized while solving Math questions. Let us get started:

1. Method for calculating the LCM (Least Common Multiple)

Finding the least common multiple for the given numbers. I am pretty sure most of you have observed that LCM are part of problem solving for no matter which math topic you are working on. We need to calculate the LCM’s in simple topics like fractions, decimals and they may be also required to be calculated while solving questions in algebra, geometry and many more. Follow the example below:

What is the LCM of the two numbers 6 and 15?

For finding the LCM (least common multiple) first write the multiples for the given numbers.

Remember the 6 times table? Yes! They are all the multiples of number 6, so you have 6, 12, 18, 24, 30…. .

Now the 15 times table, don’t worry you need to check only till you get the common multiple.

So you have 15, 30, 45……………..

Did it strike a bell? Well look below for more clarity:


Hence the LCM for 6 and 15 equals to 30. (Sometime there can be more than one common multiple, always pick the least number as the LCM.)

2. Method for calculating the GCF (Greatest Common Factor)

Following the LCM is another interesting method in number theory. You guessed it right! The GCF (The greatest common factor.) For finding the GCF the Tree diagram method is very common. Here is a question: Find the GCF for the numbers 21 and 35? The first step is to write the tree diagram for 21 and 35. Try to follow the tree diagram below: GCF Using this tree method, you will get 21 = 3 x 7 and 35 = 5 x 7. (Note: 1 is always a factor for any given number.) Here 7 is the common factor for 21 and 35, which can be written once as its repeating in both the numbers. The Greatest common factor includes the remaining factors from both the numbers as well. Do not forget to include the 5 and 7. Hence GCF for 21 and 35 equals 3 x 5 x 7 = 105. After the LCM and the GCF, let us look at the method for changing the decimal numbers into fractions. Follow the example carefully:

3. Method of converting the decimal numbers into fractions

Convert the given decimal number 0.3 into a fraction. Here given to us is a decimal number. Count the number of decimal places. The number 0.3 has only one decimal place. Now while changing into a fraction multiply the numerator and the denominator by 10 for every decimal place. Here, since there is only one decimal place multiply by 10. Try to follow the diagrams below: decimal numbers into fractions Hence 0.3 can also be written as 3/10.

4. Method for solving Unit and Total Price word problems

Time to solve a work problem on price and money:

Anna and Ben went to a park. Anna brought 3 balloons and Ben brought 2 balloons. Find the total amount of money spent if each balloon costs $0.25.

For the given question you need to first calculate the total number of balloons Anna and Ben brought = 2+ 3 = 5.

Now comes the crucial point the decimal multiplication. Each balloon costs $0.25, so 5 balloons costs 5 x 0.25. Need help? Look at the diagram below:

Total Price

Hence the total price spent by Anna and Ben = $ 0.75.

Well problem solving is incomplete without equations. The next few methods will help you solve equations.

5. Method for solving one step equation using Addition

Find the value of y in the equation y – 6 = 12?

In the given equation 6 is subtracted from y. So the reciprocal operation needs to be applied to the equation. Add 6 on both sides of the given equation. This gives:

one step equation using Addition

Hence, the value of y = 18.

6. Method for solving one step equation using Subtraction.

Find the value of x in the equation x + 30 = 150? In the given equation 30 is added to x. So the reciprocal operation needs to be applied to the equation. Subtract 30 on both sides of the given equation. This gives: equation using Subtraction Hence the value of x = 120.

7. Method for solving one step equation using Multiplication

Find the value of y in the equation y/2 = 7? In the given equation y is divided by 2. So the reciprocal operation needs to be applied to the equation. Multiply by 2 on both sides of the given equation. This gives: equation using Multiplication Hence the value of y = 14.

8. Method for solving one step equation using Division

Find the value of x in the equation 5x = 45.

The given question has the equation with one variable x. I believe, by now did you get a hold of this method? The reciprocal operation of multiplication is division. Divide both sides of the equation by 5. This gives:

equation using Division

Hence the answer to the given equation is x = 9.

9. Method for solving Expressions using substitution

Now, what if there is an expression with more than one variables and you need to find the value of the expression. Here is what needs to be done:

Evaluate the value for the expression 4x – y, when x = 1 and y = 2.

Here for this question the method of substitution can be applied. You are given the value of x = 1 and y = 2. Hence substitute the values in the given equation to solve the question.

Not really sure how! Try to follow the diagram below:

Expressions using substitution

Much better, isn’t it! So after substitution here is how the expression will look like: 4(1) – 2 = 4 – 2 = 2. Hence the solution = 2.

We are not done yet! These were just few methods to get you started on solving math problems. To know more chat with a live Math tutor online and get more interesting details about the topic.


9 Secrets To Know About Speed And Mental Math Tricks And Techniques

Math is definitely challenging but what makes learning math fun and interesting is that, there are some tricks and techniques which can actually make the calculations easy to solve. Today, we will try to learn some math tricks which can be applied in solving different kinds of questions.

Speed And Mental Math Tricks

Multiplying a given number by 2

We all know the 2 times table. But what if 2 is being multiplied to a bigger number, there is a trick to make the multiplication quick and accurate. Think about it, multiplying by 2 it is nothing but doubling the given quantity. So to speed the calculations the given number can be added twice instead of multiplying by 2. For example 6 x 2 = 12.

This can also be got by 6 + 6 = 12. Now, if there is 32 x 2 = 64. This can also be got by 32 + 32 = 64.

Now applying this trick to bigger numbers multiplied by 2.

Find the value of 98340 x 2?

One method is the usual way of multiplying the given number by 2. But let us solve the same question with the trick of addition:

math 1

Hence 98340 x 2 = 1,96,680

Multiplying numbers which are multiples of 10

Did you know 10 is a very interesting number when it comes to multiplication? For example, in a question you come across a calculation such as 23 x 10 all you need to do is place a one zero next to 23. That is 23 x 10 = 230.

Can this be applied to bigger numbers as well? Yes it can! Let us look at some more examples:

While multiplying, 45 and 50 one method would be the regular multiplication. By applying the trick here all that needs to be done is 45 x 50, first find the value of 45 x 5 = 225. Since there is 50 which is a multiple of 10 place a zero next to 225.

So we get 45 x 50 = 2250. Another example would be, 25 x 30. Here first do 25 x 3 = 75. Now since there is 30 place a zero next to 75. This gives 25 x 30 = 750

Question: Sam brought 19 boxes of candies. Each box contains 200 candy bars, find the total number of candy bars in all the boxes.

Number of boxes of candies Sam brought is 19. Each box contains 200 candy bars.

Hence the total number of candy bars equal = 19 x 200.

Try to follow the diagram below for the calculation:

math 2

Multiplying a given number by 11

No matter what number is given to you multiplication with 11 can become quite simple, follow the trick here. Look at eleven, there are two 1’s. Now for example you have 14 x 11. First do 14 x 1 = 14 then to this add 140 which is 14 + 140 = 154?

So we get 14 x 11 = 154

Need a better idea? Follow the example below:

Find the value of 456 x 11?

Here first calculate 456 x 1 = 456 now add 4560 to it so you get 4560 + 456 = 5016

math 3

Adding three or more digit numbers

In some questions, you may have had situations where more than 2 numbers need to be added, it can get more tedious if they are big numbers. Let me share a little secret that can make adding such numbers much easier. For example there is a word problem: Riya spent $ 112 on shoes, $ 216 on bag and $315 on books. Find the total amount of money Riya spent on all the items. Solution: For the given question, the total amount of money spent equals the sum of all the given individual prices = $ 112 + $ 216 + $ 315. Follow the trick here, rather than adding the individual number. Add the hundreds place first. Follow the solution: math 4

Squaring number ending in 5

This rule is applicable from 5 to 95 only (i.e., 5, 15, 25, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75, 65, 75, 85, 95.) and here is how it works! We have 5 x 5 = 25.

The trick is, for a number ending in 5 when squared always has to end in 25. So for a given number example 152 pick the tens place, which is 1. Now the number after 1 is 2. Multiply 1 x 2 = 2. Now place a 25 next to 2. We get 225.

Now for 25 x 25. Here, 2 is in the tens place. What is the number next to 2, 3. So do 2 x 3 = 6. Now place a 25 next to 6. We get, 25 x 25 = 625.

Let us follow the diagram for clarity, take 65 x 65.

math 5

Hence 65 x 65 = 4225

Divisibility rule for number 2

Here is a quick mental math trick to find weather a given number is divisible by 2 or not just by looking at it. If a number is ending with an even number then it is divisible by 2.

What are all the even numbers between 0 and 9 (0, 2, 4, 6, and 8).

Look at an example: 48 here 8 is an even number so it is divisible by 2. Now 51 is not divisible by 2 as 1 is an odd number. Apply the same for big numbers.

Find out if 4576 is divisible by 2? Prove it!

Here 4576 is ending with number 6. Since 6 is an even number the given number is divisible by 2. Follow the diagram for a quick check:

math 6

Divisibility rule for number 4

Now that you are familiar with the divisibility rule for 2. Let us quickly check the divisibility rule for number 4. When it comes to 4 always check whether the last 2 numbers are divisible by 4. Consider 324 here it’s clearly know that 24 is divisible by 4 so 324 will be divisible by 4. Now let me give you another example:

Find out whether 5608 is divisible by 4? Check your answer.

Here again use the trick and figure it your mind. 08 are the last two numbers of the given number. Since 08 is divisible by 4, 5608 is divisible by 4. Let’s check if we got it right look at the diagram below:

math 7

Divisibility rule for number 5

Did your math calculations get faster on the divisibility part? Now let us follow the trick for checking divisibility with number 5. For number 5, the given number should end either with 0 or 5. Take an example of 560 it is divisible by 5 since its ending in 0. Whereas 432 is not divisible by 5 since its ending with 2 not 0 or 5. Look at the following question.

Find out if 890 is divisible by 5? Check your answer.

Here the given number 890 is ending in 0, so it is divisible by 5. Let us check the answer, follow the diagram below:

math 8

Combining the like terms

Many students find adding and subtracting like terms very confusing. Let us look at a simple way of solving this kind of a question. Did you know there is a trick with which you can solve the combining like terms in your mind? Here is what can be done:

Consider a question for finding 5x + 6x.

A like term is a term which have the same variable. Here it is x. Now for adding 5x and 6x since x is the same, just find 5 + 6 = 11. Hence 5x + 6x = 11x.

Did you follow the solution? Follow the next example:

Find the value of 3x + 7x + 10x?

All that needs to be done is add the numbers and place the common variable x next to the sum. Take a look at the diagram below:

math 9

Hence the solution is 20x.

Therefore, practice these tricks and apply them in your math calculations. You will be amazed how they will aid in speeding your calculations. If you still need help, chat with a Live Math Tutor Online Now!

Tips To Remember How Math Logarithmic Notation Works

Logarithms are really fun and interesting, but I have seen many students find changing logarithmic notation to exponential notation and vice versa quite confusing. Well here are some useful tips to make you remember that this conversion is simpler than you have expected.

The exponential form is where we have the base number multiplied according the exponent to get the answer. Here is an example from online math tutor:

When you multiply 2 four times you get 16. That is 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 16.

This can be written in the exponential form as 24 = 16. Let’s look deeper into this notation:


Let’s now try to follow how we can convert the exponential notation to the logarithmic notation:


As show above, both the exponential notation and the logarithmic notation have the same base number. Next, there is an exchange in the exponent and answer while writing it in the logarithmic notation.

This can be better understood with an example:

Convert 34 = 81 from an exponential notation to logarithmic notation.

Here 3 is the base number which will remain the same even in the logarithmic form.

We have 4 as the exponent and 81is the answer which can be written as:


Did you get a little hold of this method? Good let me show you one more example:

Convert 52 = 25 from exponential form to logarithmic form.

Everyone likes the 5 times table, for some reason it’s quite easy to memorize.

Here observe 5 is the base number and 2 happens to be the exponent. Multiplying 5 x 5 gives 25 as the answer. Now converting the exponential form to logarithmic form:


Taking a step further, let us now convert the logarithmic notation into exponential notation applying the same process backwards.

Convert log4 64 = 3 from logarithmic notation to exponential notation.

Here the given logarithmic notation can be changed to exponential notation by keeping the base number 4 the same. Follow the steps below:


Hence the exponential notation for the given question is 43 = 64.

Good so far! Now, have you ever observed some logarithms written without a base?

For example, notations like log 5, log 16 or log 150. Are they really without any base number? The answer is NO! They have a base number which is 10 it’s called the common base.

Hence, logarithms with base number 10 are called common logarithms. This can be shown as below:


Convert the given exponential form 103 = 1000 to logarithmic form?

Here we have the base number for the exponential form as 10, so the final answer will be a common logarithm. Hence we can write the given question into a logarithmic notation as follows:


So the final answer is log (1000) = 3. [Not to forget it still has a base 10.]

Now you are familiar with the logarithmic notation and ready to change exponential notation into logarithmic notation. But remember logarithms does not stop here, these are just few useful tips to get you started with the logarithmic notation.

Read more – Solving Logarithmic Equations

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Math help required? Make it more interesting with online math tutor!

online tutoring for Trigonometry

Mathematics is a tough subject. even if you are a math genius or a math fan, there might be times when you’d require math help for, say, algebra homework, geometry homework and more. Study the tough algebraic concepts of monomials, binomials, polynomials, exponential patterns, intercepts, graphs, quad equations, variables and more. Now you can study all this at one stop with the help of online math tutor and get the most effective and instant math help.

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Online Math tutor for 7th grade-breathes life into your child’s Math learning

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The tutors of Tutor Pace effectively train your kid to tackle any kind of Math sum of 7th grade with their sharing of the white board.  Their online corrections of your kid’s mistakes encourage proper understanding of the concepts with foolproof clarity. 

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