Do You Hate Math? 5 Ways To Instill A Love Of Math In Kids

We find many students hate Math from the bottom of their hearts and they do not know the reason for it. This leads to negative scores in Math and their lack of understanding the value of Math in life.

I hate you math

It is the greater parental duty to instill a love of Math in kids and there are ways for it. Here are they:

Be a Math myth buster: There are many myths about Math. It is a general feeling that Math doers are gifted brains with special abilities. Some feel that Math skills are inherited from parents. Some feel that boys do better Math than girls. The fact is anyone who perseveres and works hard in Math is able to achieve with it. Parents have to instill this positive feeling in their kids and make them realize that Math is within their reach, once they persevere. One more thing is that they should avoid all casual comments about Math like “I am not good at Math“ or “ I was very good at Math” or “What good Math does in your career?. All these comments impact the kid’s mind one way or the other and affects his studies.

Create positive vibes about Math learning: Do not give false pictures about Math. Don’t say Math is hard or it is easy. Make your kid understand that Math is an important aspect of his learning with real life situations. Ask him to calculate the grocery bill and help him choose a birthday gift which is really worth its money. Make him understand that Math is essential for his achievements in life.

Make Math an early learning: Expecting kids to learn Math by themselves is an error. It can turn negative also. Some kids like Math and most of them hate Math. This is due to the exposure in class or bullying peers or sheer negligence on the part of the kids. They should love Math, true, they should also take Math seriously. Expecting kids to add, subtract or multiply without mistake from their early age is not wise. Instead, small activities like counting the plants in the garden, calculating the time for your favorite TV show are those that kindle enthusiasm in kids to learn Math.

Play games: Anything learnt with fun is loved by kids and they do not realize the toughness of the matter. You can use the computer games, apps for playing Math games and make Math learning an inspiring one. Anything implanted in mind with enthusiasm has been getting imprinted in the mind forever and so is Math through games and fun activities. Children like to learn Math and start doing the subject without compulsion. Joining online Math tutoring centers will help you a lot in this aspect as the tutors help your kid with many interactive games and make a fun atmosphere in Math classes.

Teach them stress busters while will Math: Math exercise, lots of stress on kids and they wear out very soon. Ask them to take a deep breath or listen to music for some time. They can even go for a small walk or watch their favorite movie for a diversion. Taking meditation classes and even physical exercises are good in this matter. Encourage the kid to face Math with a challenging attitude and tackle Math sums with courage.


It is the right attitude to do Math that should be developed in kids through encouraging words and fun activities. You can approach online Math tutors for more tips and let your kid on the right path to successful Math.

Tips To Remember How Math Logarithmic Notation Works

Logarithms are really fun and interesting, but I have seen many students find changing logarithmic notation to exponential notation and vice versa quite confusing. Well here are some useful tips to make you remember that this conversion is simpler than you have expected.

The exponential form is where we have the base number multiplied according the exponent to get the answer. Here is an example from online math tutor:

When you multiply 2 four times you get 16. That is 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 16.

This can be written in the exponential form as 24 = 16. Let’s look deeper into this notation:


Let’s now try to follow how we can convert the exponential notation to the logarithmic notation:


As show above, both the exponential notation and the logarithmic notation have the same base number. Next, there is an exchange in the exponent and answer while writing it in the logarithmic notation.

This can be better understood with an example:

Convert 34 = 81 from an exponential notation to logarithmic notation.

Here 3 is the base number which will remain the same even in the logarithmic form.

We have 4 as the exponent and 81is the answer which can be written as:


Did you get a little hold of this method? Good let me show you one more example:

Convert 52 = 25 from exponential form to logarithmic form.

Everyone likes the 5 times table, for some reason it’s quite easy to memorize.

Here observe 5 is the base number and 2 happens to be the exponent. Multiplying 5 x 5 gives 25 as the answer. Now converting the exponential form to logarithmic form:


Taking a step further, let us now convert the logarithmic notation into exponential notation applying the same process backwards.

Convert log4 64 = 3 from logarithmic notation to exponential notation.

Here the given logarithmic notation can be changed to exponential notation by keeping the base number 4 the same. Follow the steps below:


Hence the exponential notation for the given question is 43 = 64.

Good so far! Now, have you ever observed some logarithms written without a base?

For example, notations like log 5, log 16 or log 150. Are they really without any base number? The answer is NO! They have a base number which is 10 it’s called the common base.

Hence, logarithms with base number 10 are called common logarithms. This can be shown as below:


Convert the given exponential form 103 = 1000 to logarithmic form?

Here we have the base number for the exponential form as 10, so the final answer will be a common logarithm. Hence we can write the given question into a logarithmic notation as follows:


So the final answer is log (1000) = 3. [Not to forget it still has a base 10.]

Now you are familiar with the logarithmic notation and ready to change exponential notation into logarithmic notation. But remember logarithms does not stop here, these are just few useful tips to get you started with the logarithmic notation.

Read more – Solving Logarithmic Equations

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Online tutoring services for college students: Convenient and Effective

Online tutoring services Are you a college student who is looking for a convenient tutoring option? Does your coaching institute timings not suiting your college schedule? We at Tutor Pace provide you convenient learning and tutoring options to facilitate you study from the comfort of your desk. We provide online tutoring services for college students where our expert tutors connect with students and help them with diverse subjects instantly.

Problems faced by college students

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Benefits enjoyed by college students      

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